Anticipating …REGRET !!!

2 min readDec 10, 2021

Yeh..I missed this…I missed that ….does this echo..

REGRET : This is universal..human being multitasks and works multifold inn todays supernova times that it is an endurance to be a sage.

Few days back I had posted a small discourse on Artificial intelligence . Would like to connect the dots

Let us see how we can do it .

To begin with it is already being done by TECH companies for a engaged customer experience by use of AI

Customer service has its pillars rested on

  1. Facilitation
  2. Being responsive
  3. show empathy
  4. Be reliable
  5. Trust and Assurance

Let us look at each one of them todays customer is highly proactive and engaged as he or she know the needs and wants right from the begining

So facilitation of this requirement to begin with work half done.( This is totally opposite of sales guys doing hard sell without even thinking what customer wants )

Responsive to the query in a customer centric way leads to the customers wants and needs quickly

Empathy is a least understood word in customer engagement as knowing the background requires listening ( valuable & priceless)

If the first three parts are done well i.e Facilitate Be responsive and show empathy it just boils down to TRUST/RELIABILITY/ASSURANCE

Now TRA ( Acronym) is something which takes years to perfect and is non negiotable at any time

Think the above is well understood by all and requires no elaboration

Now our title headline is ANTICIPATING REGRET !!!

Can we connect the storyline with customer experience ……

Life is like customer experience …we need to be alert and proactive ..plan for success not regrets

AI or Machine learning today is going to make our lives more productive and it helps inn zeroing on choices and decisions

Keeping up with times making best use of technology is going to be the success and it will help in anticipating pitfalls and being sagely.





Motivational thinker and communicator ,story teller with mindfulness ,happy life life king size individual